Center for Integrated Spatial Research University of California, Santa Cruz

Access to CISR facilities is limited to current UCSC students involved in spatial/cartographic research and/or courses, faculty/staff/research members, and vendors/contractors working through the CISR. There are several CISR schedules available through Google Calendar. Scroll below to view the calendars for ISB 450 (Research) and ISB 486 (Teaching).
Research (ISB 450)

The research facility is OPEN to all eligible users Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm, during regular academic sessions unless otherwise indicated. Access outside of regular business hours (6am-9am, 5pm-12am) is extended to students (graduate only) and researchers by arrangement only. If there are extended use needs, please contact a CISR administrator to discuss your particular project and need for after hour access.

Teaching (ISB 486)

The teaching facility is OPEN to all eligible users Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm, during regular academic sessions unless otherwise occupied by scheduled classes or workshops. When classes are not in session the lab is available to students on a drop-in basis to work on assignments, collaborate with peers, use University-owned software, etc.